Monday, February 21, 2011

Genesis Idea for start of Maniesto

In the beginning there was Alpha and everything that was, that is and that shall be is Alpha.
For those bequeathed with the knowledge of the mystery, they shall speak of all that it is, is Alpha and all shall always be Alpha.
On the first day, Alpha created (1st god) and she saw her creation and it was good. (1st god) awoke in the darkness and saw the darkness and into the darkness he/she sent forth (the land/the light/the sea?) and there was much rejoicing.
On the second day, Alpha created (2nd god) and she saw her creation and (1st god) saw her creation and it was good. And (2nd god) awoke to know Alpha and to live in harmony with (1st god). Unto the turmoil of the darkness (2nd god) sent forth (the land/the light/the sea?). The harmony was great and there was much rejoicing in the harmony and on the eve on the second day they slept together in the knowledge of what they had created.
On the third day Alpha awoke to survey the world that she had created. She understood that her creation was incomplete. And so she forged (3rd god) from the clay of all things and breathed life unto (3rd god) from her great mouth.  And (3rd god) awoke to see the world and (3rd god) knew that it was great. From out of (3rd god) eye (3rd god) wept a great tear that rolled onto the land and from that tear sprang (the rivers) and (the birds) and (Sundays) and Alpha wept to see the beauty of what her creature had created.
On the forth day Alpha called all of her creatures together to look upon what it was that they had made. They looked and they were held in wonder by the depth of Alpha’s infinite wisdom and at that at which they, and in turn what she, had created. Yet on this day Alpha felt the fire of a consuming desire, one that could not be quenched by those that she had created and thus from Alpha sprang (4th god) of his/her own volition. And there was much rejoicing and yet there was also fear for (4th god) echoed both destruction and creation, echoed the loins from which he/she issued but did not have the same wisdom of ages and they were entranced although they were sorely afraid (might this one be death?).
And so it was that the harmony was shattered for whatever Alpha placed in the world she had created, (4th god) began to take away. The other gods pleaded with Alpha to destroy (4th god) but in her infinite wisdom Alpha knew that (4th god) had his/her own place in all things and he/she was the necessary evil for the future of the world. And yet Alpha created (5th god possibly sex cotume – ie: the balance of fertility and sex / and death) who worked in direct opposition with (4th god) and for everything (4th god) took away, (5th god) created a knew and placed back in the world again.
This is the word and the word is good. Everything that is, that was and that shall be is Alpha, for every and ever.

The teachings according to Alpha.
Thou shalt not XXXX
Thou must XXXXX
thou must xxxxxx
Thou shalt not xxxxxxx or xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
Thou must xxxxxxxxxx
Thou shalt not xxxxxxxx another woman’s xxxxxxxx
Thou shalt not xxxxxxxxx but instead walk in the light of alpha forever and ever.
This is the word and the word is good. Everything that is, that was and that shall be is Alpha, for every and ever.

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